We wanted to give a feeling of being tied to so many people but unable to move. The world wizzes around you with everyone on there own journey and sometimes you can’t help but feel stuck.
We were so lucky to have the artists wife come in for this part. Somethings cannot be faked and brought her A game. Becasue she was so in the moment a lot of our favorite shots were unplanned, but this is sometimes how things go and you have to be ready to adapt.
As we grow apart our bonds loosen, loosing there strength. We wanted to symbolize this by showing an ever growing longer, darker connection.
On this multi-day shoot we wanted a backdrop to symbolize hope and freedom, Dumbo park by the water couldn’t have fit better
We wanted an angle which would highlight the darkening, and lengthening distance while also showing what this looks like in real life. The low angle 16mm wide was used a lot for this film.
Our connections represent a thread through time. The strong ones can stand the test of it, some are stretched thin, while others break.
We grow and change overtime leaving sometimes meaningful and deep connections be the road side.